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069 78849
Fire Alarm Service
Peace of Mind for your Workplace
At PDSL, our dedicated service team is available 24/7/365, ensuring round-the-clock responsiveness to your business needs.
Experience unparalleled peace of mind with support from our trained, experienced, and competent team. We provide top-tier servicing for our prestigious clients’ fire alarm systems, strictly adhering to the IS 3218: 2013 + A1 2019 Irish Standards.
We support our clients in maintaining accurate fire alarm log records and in meeting certification requirements. Prioritising safety, we offer expert advice on system requirements and the latest industry technologies.
We are working with our cloud partner, LAN Control Systems, to provide NimbusGo software interface units to manage and generate system service reports into the future.
Following each quarterly service visit, our clients can rest assured knowing their fire alarm system is functioning optimally, ensuring their safety and compliance.